Do you suffer from pain in the neck

Do you suffer from pain in the neck?

Do you suffer from pain in the neck?

All types of neck pain can affect your quality of life. However, we have so many treatments that can help with chronic and acute neck pain.

Neck pain can be many things like a stiff neck, restricted movement, contributing to headaches, throbbing pain, sharp pain, and a dull ache to list a few.

Neck pain isn’t always a pain in the neck. It can be:

  • Stiffness

  • Tingling sensations down the arms

  • Numbness in the arms

  • Muscle spasms

  • Feelings of swelling in the hands

  • Cold/Hot hands

  • Weakness in the arms and hands

acupuncture for neck pain demonstration

Every person and situation is different. Therefore, we train to be excellent diagnosticians. Our treatments are personalized and explore all aspects of your life. Our treatments effectively reduce pain and inflammation, allowing the body to heal.

Depending on how long and the type of neck pain, we like to see our patients for an average of 5-10 visits for neck pain. Our skilled practitioners will discuss your treatment plan at the first visit.

Between 20% to 70% of adults in the U.S. will experience neck pain that affects their daily activities.

Let us help you. Reclaim your quality of life. Book your appointment today!


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