Medicine Cabinet for Viral Protection

Working With What You May Already Have In Your Medicine Cabinet for Viral Protection

*This is not a substitute for medical advice. This article is meant to help you in the event you find yourself in need until you can notify your provider for screening and further direction. THIS IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL DISTANCING AND HAND WASHING. This is one piece of the holistic look at protecting your immunity. More articles to follow on the arms of health, .prevention like low inflammatory diets through the TCM lens, mental health coping techniques and addressing the spirit with meditation and qi gong practices. Our current policy on sanitization, screening and social distancing is located here.

There is a saying in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), “Same disease, different formulas. Different diseases, same formula.” This speaks to the paradigm of what TCM uses to diagnose and then restore balance in the body. At a very basic level there are 8 Principles- Yin, Yang, Excess, Deficiency, Interior, Exterior, Heat and Cold. Because of this, if you have been a patient of Art of Acupuncture that has been prescribed herbs in the past, you may very well have some of these formulas that could help you fight off or manage the effects of COVID-19.

Before we begin-there is one important consideration of note for those with high blood pressure and autoimmune diseases. The main ingredient Huang Qi/ Astragalus of the most studied prevention formula Yu Ping Feng San (used in 23 Chinese provinces) could be contraindicated for your case. Huang Qi can elevate the BP much like Licorice/ Gan Cao & Zhi Gan Cao which has also been mentioned on other various blogs as being helpful. They are helpful, but only if you don’t have high blood pressure. For an in-depth article on why those with high blood pressure may face greater implications after contracting COVID-19 click here. Huang qi/ Astragalus can also be stimulating to the immune system. If your immune system is already overactive, stimulating it can work against you. For an in depth no nonsense article from my mentor, Dr. Aviva Romm, on what to consider if you have an autoimmune disease click here.

If you have high blood pressure or autoimmune conditions we strongly advise you to book a telemed consultation with any of our providers for a more customized plan. Click the blue box that says Virtual Follow Up or click on your practitioner. As always, TCM formulas work best when we can assess the tongue, symptoms, complete a facial diagnosis and conduct a palpation of pulse for a customized and holistic approach. Telemed will allow us to perform 3 out of 4. That being said, we are in uncharted territory and you may find yourself at some point needing to do the best you can with what you have on hand based on your symptoms.


Viral Prevention: All of the formulas listed in this section are based off the formulas that were historically used in the treatment of SARS, COVID-19 ‘s cousin so to speak.

  • Jade Windscreen Formula (Yu Ping Feng San #1 or #2)– 2 full droppers twice daily

  • A of A Antiviral- 1 full dropper twice daily- this formula is stronger then the above two with a higher concentration of Huang Qi/ Astragalus that may be inappropriate for autoimmune cases or those with high blood pressure.

  • Children’s Jade Defense Formula (Xiao Er Zi Yu Feng):follow dosage printed on bottle for age and weight.

Discontinue at onset of any URI (upper respiratory) symptoms and begin one of the following: Doses listed below are for Golden Flower Chinese Herbal brands (purple bottle). If you are using a different brand consult your practitioner as concentrations may vary per brand. If we are forced into complete shut down for patient visits we will find a creative way to get your herbs to you through drop off or leaving on the porch for self pick up should you need formulas on hand or refills.

Early Onset of Symptoms:

  • Children’s Clear and Release Formula (Yin Qiao Gan Mao Fang): for children unable take pills -1/2-1 tsp every 4 hours until symptoms abate, then take 3 times a day until fully well

  • Viola Clear Fire Formula (Di Ding Qing Huo Pian): consider if mild upper respiratory symptoms -3 tabs 3 times a day until fully well

  • Yin Chiao Formula (Yin Qiao San): consider if mild symptoms + sore throat is present -3 tablets every 4 hours until symptoms abate, then take 3 tabs 3 times a day until fully well

  • Chai Hu Shu Gan Formula (Chai Hu Shu Gan Pian): consider if alternating chills and feverish -3 tablets every 4 hours until symptoms abate, then take 3 tabs 3 times a day until fully well

Fever, head, eye and nose symptoms with sore throat and swollen glands:

  • Andrographis Formula (Chuan Xin Lian Kang Yan Pian): general, strong antiviral -3 tablets every 3-4 hours until symptoms abate, then take 3 tabs 3 times a day until fully well

  • Pu Ji Formula (Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin): consider if swollen glands and sore throat predominant -3 tabs every 3-4 hours until symptoms abate, then take 3 tabs 3 times a day until fully well

  • Zhong Gan Ling Formula (Zhong Gan Ling Pian) consider if with body aches as well: 3 tablets every 3-4 hours until symptoms abate, then take 3 tabs 3 times a day until fully well

Fever, head, eye and nose symptoms with dry cough:

  • Mulberry and Lycium Formula (Xie Bai San): consider if body aches also present -3 tabs every 3-4 hours until symptoms abate, then take 3 tabs 3 times a day until fully well

  • Siler & Platycodon Formula (Fang Feng Tong Sheng San): consider if more feverish and hot, and or present with hives or rash -3 tabs every 3-4 hours until symptoms abate, then take 3 tabs 3 times a day until fully well

  • Children’s Clear Lung Formula (Xiao Er Zi Qing Fei Fang): for children unable take pills -1/2-1 tsp every 4 hours until symptoms abate, then take 3 times a day until fully well

Shao Yang Stage- cough with yellow green phlegm & alternating heat and cold sensations:

  • Minor Bupleurum (Chai Hu Shu Gan Wan): 2 pills 3 times a day, finish bottle or stop after cough has resolved for 48 hours

Gastrointestinal manifestations:

  • Wu Hua Formula (Wu Hua Tang): consider if diarrhea or other GI involvement and or Hives or rash that is red and raised and possibly itchy -3 tablets every 3-4 hours until symptoms abate, then take 3 tabs 3 times a day until fully well

  • Agastache Tummy Syrup (Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Gao): for children unable take pills -1/2-1 tsp every 4 hours until symptoms abate, then take 3 times a day until fully well

Post-infection recovery support:

  • Lilly Preserve Metal Formula (Bai He Gu Jin Tang) consider if residual cough, mild wheezing, dry nose and dry lips present -3 tabs 2 times daily until fully well

  • Restore the Lung Formula (Bu Fei Tang): consider if residual dry cough, mild sweating and fatigue remains -3 tabs 2 times daily until fully well

  • Six Gentlemen Formula (Liu Jun Zi Tang): consider if slight fatigue, possibly mild cough remains -3 tabs 2 times daily until fully well


  • Vitamin C: 1000mg – 2000mg daily as prevention (reduce dose slightly if you develop loose BMs)

  • Vitamin D: 2000IU -5000IU or higher per day (goal: blood level >=50ng/mL)

  • 5 mushroom blend by Golden Flower- *Mushrooms are highly complex. Certain compounds are immunostimulating. Is this a problem in COVID19, or a benefit? We don’t know the answer yet.

  • Colloidal Silver Spray– please follow directions on bottle carefully and do not take when pregnant. Silver is antimicrobial, however, it accumulates in the body overtime and overdosing yourself could cause permanent side effects including blue coloring of the skin called argyria and is permanent, though not life threatening.

  • Zinc: 15- 30 mg as prevention Total zinc should be 60mg-100mg per day x 1 week with active symptoms. Can go longer, but you will deplete copper if you stay high-dose.

  • N-acetylcysteine: 600mg daily as prevention; increase to 600mg bid with syptoms (note that the research on NAC is limited to animal studies and a small, equivocal human meta-analysis looking at acute respiratory distress syndrome)

  • We have the above mentioned supplements in stock at a discounted rate. Please call to check availability of product and arrange delivery if you are local. (727) 321-6969

You may order herbs or supplements at our Fullscript Dispensary by clicking her at a 20% discount with direct shipping to your door. The remaining 15% profit will go towards keeping our staff paid and our doors open.

Stay tuned for more tips on how to protect your health physically, mentally and emotionally during these unprecedented times.