Sound advice for the Coronavirus

Sound advice for the Coronavirus

Dear patients, friends and family,

We wanted to update you all in a cohesive manner regarding the COVID-19 Coronavirus and it’s arrival to our beloved Tampa Bay Area. Many of you are now aware that Gov. Ron DeSantis declared a state of emergency for our state on Monday. Needless to say we received many calls and texts asking what you could do and what Chinese Medicine has to offer?

Here is a detailed rundown of what you can do, facts as they emerge from treatment using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Wuhan and what we are doing to help support those that wish to use TCM as an adjunct treatment in the prevention and acute phases of illness.

What are the Symptoms?
Dry Cough
Aches and Pains
Nasal Congestion
Runny nose
Sore throat
Pneumonia (late stage)

Sounds a lot like your common cold, or even allergies right? Symptoms seemingly start gradually and some patients are thought to be asymptomatic (no symptoms at all). Most people (80%) recover from the virus without needing special treatment. About 1 out of 6 people who contract COVID-19 become seriously ill and develop difficulty breathing and pneumonia. The elderly and those with chronic medical problems are most at risk. Current count is that 2.5% of the people world wide who have contracted the disease have died. On the flip side, this means you have a 97.5% chance of total recovery. That being said, this brings up the importance of doing your best to prevent and contain the virus so you don’t unknowingly affect someone that is immunocompromised or takes care of someone that wouldn’t be able to fend it off. Prevention is truly an opportunity to serve your neighbor! Here’s what you can do to help. 

We should prepare, not because of selfish reasons, but so we may lessen the risk to everyone. Scientific America published a great article on why preparation is the best thing you could do for its containment and for your community. 

This seems obvious, but in our busy society many of us forget the importance of washing our paws for an appropriate length of time. We touch so much that is affected by others like money, cell phones, keyboards, restrooms, food prep (you may want to seriously consider the importance of eating out at a time like this), pets etc. Seriously, go wash your hands right now in warm soapy water for a count of 20 or the happy birthday song and wipe your cell phone clean!

With the importance our society has placed on work, many of us have forgotten the importance of rest when experiencing symptoms. This is especially true when you have a fever and are at the height of contagion. If you know you run cold, meaning your typical body temp is around 97, not 98.6, what seems normal at 98.6 could technically be a fever for you. We hope that the silver lining of this global illness is a return to rest and isolation with all illness, especially when you are running a fever. Age old wisdom that we have seemingly forgotten is to convalesce for 24 past the fever breaking before re-entering your community.

You can do this by wearing a mask, using tissues that you dispose of properly, or even the crook of your elbow.
For extra prevention and to protect those around you, consider wearing a mask. Here is an article from the World Health Organization on when and how to wear and dispose of a mask.  


  • get plenty of sleep

  • eat colorful fruits and veggies every day

  • eat fermented foods to improve the health of your microbiome where all immunity starts

  • drink plenty of water (up to half your body weight in ounces daily)

  • get fresh air and move your body (vitamin D is crucial to immunity)

  • REST and don’t burn the candle at both ends

  • Consider taking immune tonics if it is appropriate for your constitution. Examples are Vit D, Vit C, Zinc (with food), Colloidal Silver, Raw garlic, elderberry, Echinacea, Mushroom blends. Contact your provider here if you are unsure about which would be best for you and what we have in stock. 


This one pains me as I am an avid traveler and stubborn. I hate the thought of changing my plans because of something that hasn’t happened or might not happen, however, we can’t deny that we now live in a global community and must take into consideration what really matters at this point in time. So much of the business we need to conduct could potentially be done via video apps like Zoom and Go to Meeting. Something to heavily consider, especially if you are a business owner. Imagine being an employee that is taking care of a sick parent or child being forced to travel, returning home wondering what they are potentially bringing home with them? That’s a lot of added stress to any individual.

Planning helps give you breathing room and helps the entire community when it comes to logistics like shipping and supply and demand.

  • Food- avoid panic buying- you know what I’m talking about if you have ever been in the path of a hurricane. Buy only what you need and leave the rest for someone else. Having enough food on hand to maintain a healthy diet with foods that can last a week or more is ideal. This should be easy for us Floridians as it’s not like a hurricane where you loose power. Frozen veggies are key and make fast soups if you have broth on hand. This is my favorite veggie mineral broth to make and freeze in batches. All veggies for this recipe are typically available at our Saturday morning market. Kombu, the immune booster in it, is available at Rollin’ Oats, Earth Origins and Amazon.

  • Medication– If you or someone you care for takes daily Rx or Herbal meds contact your provider and stock up with a week lead time. This also helps to reduce strain on pharmacies that will undoubtedly be pushed to the max.

  • Job- Ask your company what the plan is if schools close, if other businesses close, if you can’t make it to work, what their policy is on others coming to work sick. ie is work from home or flex time offered in times like this? If you own a business, make a plan. We understand not going to work for those that are self employed means no paycheck as we are self employed, however, the risk of exposure isn’t worth it at a time like this. If your provider from Art of Acupuncture is out sick, every effort will be made for you to see one of our other practitioners (with detailed instructions from your provider) at a time that fits your schedule. If you are sick, you don’t need an appointment to pick up herbs. Simply contact your provider and we will set herbs out for you or for a caretaker to pick up for you. 

8. If you have questions, need help boosting your immune system, want help personalizing your plan or need assistance in any other way please let us know.

History and experience prove that Traditional Chinese Medicine is effective against epidemic disease. booking or changing appointments online at your convenience  You will see how formulas are used based on what stage you are in the progression of the virus. Familiarizing yourself with this range of symptoms will help you communicate with your practitioner where you are in the viral progression for the best possible formula for your situation. While we have and have always supported integrative care (merging eastern and western philosophies) until there is a vaccine or cure, we will be relying heavily on prevention and traditional Chinese formulas to help keep the spread low in our community. We are doing all that we can to obtain all necessary raw herbs to make tinctures of all of these formulas. We are expecting a full shipment of organic herbs sourced from California, not China, this Friday and hope to have the prevention formula tinctured and bottled and ready by this weekend. 

If you have other questions regarding COVID-19 that were not answered in this letter, we encourage you to visit the World Health Organization for the most up to date and global view of the virus. 

In prevention, 

The Art of Acupuncture team

Hillary, Christina, Emily, Kecia, Kim, Marianne, Rachel and Brittany

This information was complied from the NIH, WHO, Dr. John Chen, and Christopher Miller, LAC