acupuncture to enhance

Acupuncture to Enhance Fertility Outcomes

We provide acupuncture to enhance fertility outcomes no matter which path you are currently on; the natural route or the assisted route by means of IVF and IUI. We are trained and happy to assist you on either path. An integrative approach to personalized fertility support with stellar outcomes. We blend ancient wisdom and the latest science to help you feel your best and enhance your fertility no matter where you are in the process of family building.

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to help couples conceive and birth healthy babies. The current scientific literature supports that acupuncture enhances fertility and success rates by increasing blood flow to reproductive organs & lowering the stress response. Many of our fertility patients come in 2-4 times a month depending on their individual case. Appointments with our fertility specialists are available 7 days a week so that you never have to stress over the timing of your cycles.

Fertility Treatment Timeline

The sooner the better. This doesn’t mean we can’t help you if you are late in your journey. We’ve seen it all from, “I’m trying to decide if I want to have a baby,” all the way to, “I’m having an IVF procedure in two weeks and I heard acupuncture can help.” After 10 years of doing this, my personal preference is to have patients start 3 months prior to IVF if possible, or as soon as you have made the decision to start trying to conceive.

With natural conception the sooner we can regulate a menstrual cycle, educate and correct any timing issues, do diagnostic tests, and introduce the concept of becoming more Yin in order to receive life, the sooner we usually have success.

With IVF we want to build the foundation to its peak level BEFORE going into a cycle. This is even more important when you consider the fact you will potentially be harvesting eggs that will ultimately turn into more than one child. The length of follicular genesis of an egg ready to ovulate from the germ cell that it originated from deep within the ovary is 90-120 days.

By treating the woman 3 months prior to the intended ovulatory cycle, you can potentially have a positive outcome on its genetic expression. Acupuncture for fertility has also been shown in numerous studies to aid in circulating blood to the ovaries as well as regulating the cycle to create an optimum uterine lining.

Fertility Acupuncture Frequency

This depends on you, your stress levels, the nature of your fertility challenges, your financial ability, and what you deem to be getting out of our time together. This is why there is no hard fast rule. On average I would say I treat women three times a month for an average of 3-9 months before success. Like anything there are always outliers meaning the people that get pregnant after one session (which is rare but has happened) or those who need physical, emotional, and spiritual bolstering to sustain them on a long journey that could last years in some complicated cases. I usually suggest that a couple commits to one season of treatments and then evaluates for themselves what benefits they have gained even if they haven’t conceived yet. This gives us time to make some deeper changes while giving you ample chance to evaluate your response. Are you calmer, more energetic, sleeping better, embodying a more positive outlook, etc? These are all signs that you are moving into the direction of wellness where life wants to happen. Read more here about how your Nervous System can affect your fertility.

Acupuncture to Enhance Fertility Outcomes