fall health tip

Fall Health Tips

In ancient times, humans actually lived their lives according to the seasons…  

They designed their way of life around what the earth was providing. Everything from paleo stress management to TCM. While that seems like a very big stretch in today’s society – there are ways in which we can help to support our physical and mental well-being with these seasonal shifts. 

October is very much a time of transition and preparation. This transition can be especially difficult for those of us living in Florida, where it still feels very much like summer. However, you can sense that the air is slightly dryer and the days are certainly getting shorter, with a bit of an evening reprieve from the blistering heat.  This prep time is all about letting go of what the body no longer needs, giving it support to move into the colder and shorter days.

Colorful leaves for fall health tips and health balance at the change of the season

Health Balance at the Change of Season

Likely, we have accumulated far too much heat throughout the summer and the summer festivities – having attended many barbeques, consuming lots of sugar, alcohol, meats and cheeses. Safe to say that too much of anything is never good, and often we have asked more of our body than it is realistically capable of keeping up with. It would be easy to think that storage of these things is helpful as we make this transition into “hibernation”. However, too much heat can be damaging and likely lead to a sense of restlessness and irritability. 

Some signs you may have overdone it could be:

  • A flare of a skin condition that you haven’t seen in a while.

  • Heart palpitations that are not related to emotional upset, stress, or anxiety.

  • Achy joints might be speaking to you a little more often. 

Now is the time when we want to clear out whatever it is the body does NOT need anymore and gently guide ourselves into the quiet space of autumn and winter.  The good news is that acupuncture and Chinese medicine is the perfect answer to the call of support and can direct the body into that nurturing release. Most of us have a tendency to wait until something has disrupted our lives before we start addressing it. Now is the time to get that tune up treatment in the spirit of preventing disruption. If you don’t make time for wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness.

DIY Autumn Wellness Care

Outside of the clinic, here are some things that you can do on your own to help support the transition into the fall season:

  • Getting 30 minutes of exercise a day is essential to help your Qi (energy) keep flowing and help you to not feel so frustrated, irritable, tired, or just stuck. This can be as simple as a brisk walk or bike ride.

  • Changing your diet to more cooked whole foods. Cook with pungent and bitter spices, eat less cold and raw foods, no more salads or smoothies. Cut back on dairy, wheat, and sugars and now is a great time to eat more fish.

  • Sleep hygiene should also be at the top of the list during this time. Sleep is always important but as we move into the colder more dormant months, we can take advantage and do our best to have our sleep patterns match that energy.

    • No screen time an hour before bed. Reading or soothing sleep meditations are best for this hour.

    • Soft lighting with a soothing herbal tea can also be helpful. This is where that excess heat can really mess things up as it can create restlessness and make it difficult to settle down and fall asleep.

Let’s face it, we are not going to hibernate anytime soon. The reality is we are probably going to push more because it’s cooler, and as the holidays come around, we will certainly continue to indulge in all the dinners and treats. This is your call to action to nurture and support that amazing machine that you walk around in daily. Do yourself a favor and schedule an integrative bodywork session today, so you don’t have to pull the emergency break come December! Book Here.